2nd Grade
Email: lourdes.orozco@fwisd.org
Lourdes Orozco
Lourdes Orozco graduated from University of Texas Arlington and has been working in the education field for 16 years. Learning is magical for her when students respond to her lessons, and she sees their eyes light up! Her favorite hobby is putting together Lego. Her favorite children's book is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.
Email: brenda.villarreal@fwisd.org
Brenda Villarreal
Brenda Villarreal graduated from University of Texas at Arlington and has been working in the education field for 2 years. Learning is magical for her when pulling back the curtain to reveal strategies to use and incorporate in the classroom. Her favorite hobby is thrifting. Her favorite children's book is The Princess and the Warrior by Duncan Tonatiuah.